Who We Are

There are many things in life we should value! Our friends, family, health and happiness are among them. Sometimes we take life for granted, and are so busy running around doing our jobs and not thinking about what truly is important to us.
Speaking personally, I had a tough year, and had begun to lose sight of me as a person. I didn´t care about myself and didn´t make the same effort as I used to. At the start of 2020, I decided that was going to change! I started to take time out for myself, to treat myself, and to look after myself! One of the things that actually really helped was when I bought various t-shirts with positive affirmations on them. I actually thought about them in bed, deciding what I was going to wear the next day. What my statement would be. What words were going to help me shape my day. I think this is something we all need from time to time.
Nothing changes for us in our lives, if we don´t make the effort to change things for ourselves!
My friend, Coral and I decided to start this business as we are totally passionate about all things natural and organic. So, what better combination for these positive statements to be designed for organic clothing – helping us feel good inside and out.

Coral Gonzalez-Taylor


Lorraine Williamson


Ethical / Environment Policy:

It is important to us that our printer and dispatch company are dedicated to operating under ethical and envi­ron­men­tally friendly practices during our production processes. They are working hard to continue refining these processes because it's a commitment we don't take lightly. One of their main goals was to remove plastic packaging entirely from all orders shipped, and in April 2019 they achieved this!

We are proud of their ethics

tshirt-mockup-of-a-girl-in-a-bathroom-with-graffiti-22279 (1)

Let us go forward in this battle fortified by conviction that those who labour in the service of a great and good cause will never fail.

Our Suppliers

We're all working towards a more ethical and sustainable world. As a company, we are committed to making sure that everything we do is carried out ethically and we expect no less from our suppliers.­ Our industry is, unfor­tunately, one that has a bad reputation for ties to sweatshops. We don't agree with sweatshops, and we'd love to live in a world where each employee is paid a fair wage for the work that they do. We're proud to say that our own employees are paid above the national living wage regardless of the position they hold within the company.­ We believe that it's important to be aware of the ways in which garments are supplied and manuf­ac­tured, and in turn, ensure that the brands we offer comply with the laws and regulations in the countries in which they operate. We will not knowingly trade with any brand or supplier that does not comply with these laws and regulations.­ What follows are, in part, statements from the the brands we offer regarding their manuf­ac­turing processes.


“Since day one in 2011, Stanley/­Stella has embraced the Fair Wear Foundation initiatives and has been focusing on cooperating in a responsible way with its suppliers, to the benefit of all workers. Respect for the planet is also strongly rooted in our DNA, as 100% of our cotton is certified organic (by GOTS or OCS), grown without pesticides, GMOs or chemical fertilisers. Other raw materials are also highly ranked on the “susta­ina­bility scale”: recycled polyester, Modal®, Tencel®, linen, and more.

“In order to build strong and close partnerships with production facilities, Stanley/­Stella has decided to select a very limited number of factories to work with, in a limited number of countries. The members of the Stanley/­Stella board have made an important step towards in- creased transpa­rency. Based on a proposal supported by the CEO and the newly appointed Susta­ina­bility Manager, we publicly name all of our factories, giving more weight to the transparency objective than to the business interests of keeping confi­den­ti­ality.”

Continental Clothing

“Continental Clothing Co. has been running a pro-active social respon­sibility programme as a member of Fair Wear Foundation since early 2006. All the Company’s manuf­ac­turing facilities are regularly audited for social compliance and are running active monitoring programmes in accordance with standards advocated by the Inter­national Labour Orga­nisa­tion, the Ethical Trading Initiative and other inter­national bodies. The Company publishes an annual Social Report.

“Continental Clothing Co. recognises that garment manuf­ac­turing is one of the most envi­ron­men­tally damaging and harmful industrial sectors on the planet, and takes decisive and often pioneering steps towards addressing the many negative impacts.­ 

“In January 2008, Continental Clothing Co. became the first company in the world to calculate the carbon footprint and place the Carbon Reduction Label on textile products.­ We have reduced the carbon footprint of EarthPo­sitive®­products by around 90% through a combination of innovative product design, low impact organic agriculture, efficiency in manuf­ac­turing, and by replacing standard grid electricity with renewable wind power. We do not use carbon offsets and our footprint calculations are certified by the Carbon Trust Certi­fica­tions in the U.K.”

Our Printing Methods

Direct to Garment technology has revolu­ti­onised t-shirt printing. It’s built on the back of the inkjet method, where a print head passes over paper and lays down ink. This is where the similarities end and the innovation begins; we’re not using standard inks and paper. We’re printing our designs onto organic cotton with results that last the lifetime of the garment.

Our printer uses Kornit DTG printers. They’re industry leading, employing CMYK-RG-W colour channels (that’s the usual CMYK plus red, green and white) to maximise colour accuracy and print quality.

All Kornit machines use water based eco-friendly inks that are vegan friendly and not tested on animals. In fact their susta­ina­bility policy is big on eco. We bring Kornit’s eco-credentials to bear with every single DTG print so you know exactly what goes into your product.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to enable females to wake up each morning and feel good by wearing a quality organic t-shirt and feeling the positive vibes from their chosen statement on the t-shirt while they wear it throughout the day

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